Earlier versions of this training module have been developed within the context of Nature-SDIplus Project “Best Practice Network for SDI in nature conservation” ( in 2009 and 2010, and updated with the LINKVIT project (
This training module has been produced by GISIG ( The training material is available through an Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA).

The module focuses on the link between nature conservation and geo-information, considering specifically the application of INSPIRE principles for the generation of accessible, interoperable and harmonized datasets and the use of Spatial Data Infrastructure for nature conservation and Protected Site management. The role of INSPIRE Directive in the field of nature conservation is addressed, particularly for the four INSPIRE themes related to nature conservation (Protected sites, Biogeographical Regions, Habitat and Biotopes and Species distribution). In this module, the data specification process for these data themes is reviewed; definitions and description are given and explained and existing examples of classification, dataset and data model used at the European level are described. The module is a self-learning module.

  1. INSPIRE and Nature Conservation:
  2. This component describes the role of the INSPIRE Directive in the field of nature conservation

  1. Nature Conservation in INSPIRE Annex I:
  2. This component provides a comprehensive insight into the INSPIRE theme of Protected Sites, considered in the Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive.

  1. Nature Conservation in INSPIRE Annex III:
  2. This component provides a comprehensive insight into the INSPIRE themes related with nature conservation and considered in the Annex III of the INSPIRE Directive (Biogeographical Regions, Habitat and Biotopes and Species distribution).

  1. Data specification on Protected Sites:
  2. This lecture give an overview on the main provisions coming from the Protected Sites data specification guidelines (INSPIRE, D2.8.I.9). Particularly, the three profiles for Protected Sites dataset defined in the Protected Sites Data Specification are exposed as well as the relative application schemas and data features.

  1. Data specification on Bio-geographical regions
  2. This lecture give an overview on the main provisions coming from the Bio-geographical regions data specification guidelines (INSPIRE, D2.8.III.17), that are structured upon a template shared with the other data themes and are usable according to needs at different levels. The specifications include information about the relevant features, the associated data models and metadata; and are enriched by examples.

  1. Data specification on Habitat and biotopes
  2. This lecture give an overview on the main provisions coming from the Habitat and biotopes data specification guidelines (INSPIRE, D2.8.III.18). Biotopes and habitats are dealt with together, but taking into account differences and matching harmonization needs with the local, national and international habitats classification systems. Investigation is restricted to necessary data only, according to the principle assumed for Annex III data themes: e.g. excluding abiotic features, that could be added later in an extended schema.

  1. Data specification on Species distribution
  2. This lecture give an overview on the main provisions coming from the Species distribution data specification guidelines (INSPIRE, D2.8.III.19), that have been structured upon a template shared with the other data themes and are usable according to needs of users at different levels. The specifications include information about the features relevant to the data themes, the associated data models, the accompanying metadata. They are enriched by examples as well as by the possibility to check if the data relevant to the specific applications of users’ interest are included.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the module, the learner will know the concepts of nature conservation and how they are applied in the context of the INSPIRE Data Specifications. The learner will also know the basic concepts of data/metadata modelling and how to move from the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive to the scientific needs and expectations of experts and scientists working in the nature conservation domain. The learner will also be familiar to a shared language of the nature conservation and ICT domains.

Intended Audience

People needing a good knowledge on the metadata profiles and data models of the four INSPIRE data themes related to nature conservation (I.9, III.17, III.18, III.19).


Basic knowledge on Nature Conservation Policies and Initiatives; basic knowledge on data modelling and INSPIRE Directive.

Power Point presentations and texts. Deepening material composed of lectures, web sites references and INSPIRE Data Specifications. The module is a self-learning module.
Expected workload
Approximately 8 hours.