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The eENVplus Training Modules
If not stated differently, all eENVplus training Modules are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. |
Level 1: Background Knowledge Knowledge on Directives/ Technologies |
Introduction to INSPIREThe aim of this module is to introduce the INSPIRE Directive, its background, development and expected impact.
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Basics of INSPIRE Data and service sharingThis module pays attention to the European legislation on data access, re-use and sharing namely the Aarhus Directive on public access to environmental information, the Directive on the re-use of Public Sector Information and the requirements (Implementing rule) of the INSPIRE Directive on data and service sharing.
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Basics of INSPIRE Data SpecificationsThe module aims to teach participants on the INSPIRE data specification development approach. The module explains the standardized approach, the different interoperability components to be taken into account and how this was implemented in INSPIRE. The different steps are described in detail and illustrated with examples in the field of biodiversity. Demonstrations and hands-on exercises are part of the module in order illustrate the method and test it on some use cases.
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Basics of INSPIRE Network ServicesThe module introduces the concept of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). It describes and illustrates the 5 types of INSPIRE network services (discovery, view, download, transformation and invoking). It explains the link to existing standards of ISO and OGC (e.g. CSW) and also discusses the INSPIRE implementing rules that are applicable including conformity aspects.
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Data HarmonisationThis module explains the basic concepts of data harmonisation in general and specifically schema translation.
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Procedures for Data and Metadata HarmonisationThis Module explains how to transform heterogeneous source datasets and metadata according to the relevant INSPIRE target schemas.
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Towards the ICT implementation of SEISThe module introduces to the SEIS requirements as defined in the NESIS project, to proposed SEIS ICT Components and to the available options of the ICT services that are proposed for the SEIS Implementation. Issues regarding the relationship between SEIS and INSPIRE as well as the SEIS specificity are also provided.
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Good Practices for Environmental ManagementThis module refers to the catalogued Good Practices proposed by the NESIS network members and chosen because they refer to carried out projects which led to an operational improvement of ICT aspects of environmental data management (technology, procedures, methods). The catalogue aim is to provide an on-line inventory of existing operational practices, from which it is possible to derive transferable experience for a wide users’ audience of stakeholders.
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Introduction to Linked DataLinked Data is a web based approach to publish information in a structured way so that it can be interlinked with other information on the web, and thus become more useful. The modules introduces the main principles of Linked Data, the underlying technologies and background standards, and how it may be applied in SDI contexts. It provides a brief introduction on how data can be published over the Web, how linked data can be consumed, and what are the possible use cases and benefits.
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Level 2: Thematic Knowledge Knowledge on specific related knowledge areas |
Water DirectivesThe module aims at providing information primarily on Water Framework Directive (WFD) and its relative aspects within the Water EU Legislation Framework. It includes two self-study components providing knowledge on the WFD (2000/60/EC) and the related daughters and sisters directives.Its purpose is to spread the awareness of the EU Water Legislation Framework to the interested audience, aspiring to inspire public to be educated in this aspect, as the legislation touches important part of their life.
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Nature Conservation and Natura 2000 NetworkThe objective of the module is, at first, to give an overview of the most significant policies relevant to protected sites management and biodiversity conservation at the International and European level. Particular attention is committed to the EU most significant nature conservation policy: the NATURA 2000 Network. Additional lectures are related to other EU and International Policies on Nature Conservation (RAMSAR, IUCN, OSPAR…..).
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Nature Conservation and INSPIREThe module focuses on the role of the INSPIRE Directive in the field of nature conservation, providing a brief introduction to the four INSPIRE themes related to nature conservation and considered by the NATURE-SDIplus Project. Therefore, the module gives an overview on the main provisions coming from the Protected Sites data specification guidelines (INSPIRE, 2009 – D2.8.1.9). Additional lectures are the definitions given by INSPIRE for the four data themes on nature conservation (Protected Sites, Bio-geographical Regions, Habitat and Biotopes, Species Distribution).
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Risk ManagementThis module is based on the state of the art, main strategies and knowledge on Risk Management, reporting relevant international standards and practical experiences.
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Geological Data HarmonisationThe Module is focused on: Spatial data definition; it refers to specific definition of geological data into INSPIRE directive and OGC GeoSciML standard. Harmonisation issues across political boundaries; it refers to evidence problems and solutions in the cross-border area.
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Level 3: The eENVplus Infrastructure Knowledge on the technical outcomes of eENVplus |
Examples of Data TransformationThis module provides transformation examples of a source dataset into a dataset compliant to the INSPIRE Data Specifications.
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Metadata and Data validation for INSPIREThis module provides validation examples of datasets and metadata against the Requirements of the INSPIRE Data Specifications.
Module metadata Access the Module The eENVplus ArchitectureThe objective of this training module is to offer a clear idea of the eENVPlus system architecture, the set of components that are available to support the stakeholders from the initial (harmonization and manipulation of original data) to the ending (visualization of data according with INSPIRE directive) phase. The aim of this module is to provide a set of guidelines that can be used to design INSPIRE compliant SDIs.
Module metadata Access the Module The eENVplus Thesaurus FrameworkThe objective of this training module is to offer a clear idea of the Thesaurus Framework for the environment developed in eENVplus: the set of components (content and services) that are available to support the stakeholders in the metadata compilation as well as data discovery phase. This module is an user guide for the eENVplus Thesaurus Framework with the aim of describing each of the provided services in terms of how to properly use them, what kind of input is requested and what kind of output is expected.
Module metadata Access the Module The eENVplus servicesThis module is an user guide for the eENVplus services. The aim is to describe each of the provided services in terms of how to properly use them, what kind of input is requested and what kind of output is expected.This module includes one sub-module for each of the developed services and the eENVplus services user guides.
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eENVplus catalogue and connection to operational infrastructuresThis training module is composed by two videos and demonstrates:
Mobile Mapping and advanced visualisationThe objective of this training module is to acquire know how on the basic concepts of mobile mapping. Mobile mapping will be used to increase the number of information provided by eENVPlus by the use of a Crowdsourcing app for mobile devices. The second part of the module is devoted to the use of the Augmented Reality functionality provided by the eENVPlus mobile App, that allows to visualize data provided by the mobile mapping module on the real representation of the environment.
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