Demonstration of the eENVplus outcomes
The Scenarios foreseen in the eENVplus cove important environmental aspects (Air Quality, Water, Everyday life issues connected to Environment, Nature Conservation, Environmental Risk, Ecological Landuse Planning) in line with EU policy.
A deep analysis conducted on the different use cases of the 10 pilots lead to the identification of 21 INSPIRE data-themes target schemas to be used in the harmonisation process by each pilot.
Our “Scenarios” represent the different use cases considered by eENVplus, which the applications correspond to.
Our “Pilots” represent the actual implementation of the scenarios in a geographical area.
The Pilots
Pilots: Belgium and Italy
Responsible partners:
VMM – Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij / ISPRA
Pilot in Belgium:
Using the SEIS-CAFE project results with intend to implement services which will be:
- INSPIRE-compliant
- Capable of fulfilling reporting obligations to the COM/EEA
- Useful in informing the general public about their ambient air quality (Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) for air quality).
On the subject of the exchange of near real-time data, the difference between the ISO 19156 standard on Observations and Measurements (O&M) and the INSPIRE guidelines on O&M have resulted in specifications for environmental monitoring facilities which are not fully in line with how popular Sensor Observation Services (SOS) ( provide the data. A solution needs to be found for the problem of making these types of services available in an INSPIRE-compliant manner. Potentially one of the available open source SOS services could be adapted or a WFS conforming to the data specifications for environmental monitoring facilities could be developed for the purpose.
Involved Stakeholders:
- Flemish Environment Agency (VMM – Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij)
- Agence wallonne de l’Air et du Climat (AWAC)
- Spatial Applications Division Leuven (SADL)
- Brussels Environment (IBGE/BIM)
- Belgian Interregional Environment Agency (IRCEL-CELINE)
Pilot in Italy:
- The integration at national level of systems and components for exchanging and using the air quality information collected at a regional level.
- Preparation of air quality zones and agglomerations national coverage required by the reporting to the European level (DG-environment and AEA / EIOnet), in compliance with the applicable regulation (Directive 2008/50/CE and D.Lgs 155/2010; Directive 2007/2/CE Inspire and D.Lgs. 32/2010, European Commission Implementing Decision 2011/850/EU)
Anticipated main results:
- Metadata/data on zone and agglomerations available for further downstream services
- Inspire services on air quality data (discover, browse, download, etc.)
- Tool-kit, tutorial material and guidelines for zone harmonisation and integration
Involved Stakeholders:
- Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces
- Italian Regional Focal Point (PFR)
- Italian Local Environmental Agencies (ARPA/APPA)
- Italian Ministry of the Environment (MATTM)
- European Environmental Agency (EEA)
- European Environmental Commission (EEC)
Responsible partners:
VMM – Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij
- Enhancing interoperability of current DB (all information on sewer networks and wastewater treatment infrastructure in Flanders) making the sewage database INSPIRE-compliant
- Development of a joint management tool (Division of responsibilities at different levels make exchange of information very important)
Involved Stakeholders:
- Flemish Environment Agency (VMM – Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij)
- Local authorities
- Aquafin
- Sewer managers
Responsible partners:
Czech Environmental Information Agency / Slovak Environmental Agency
- Remove end-user barriers in obtaining information made available by INSPIRE and help to solve “every-day-life” situations
- To create an easy to use decision support system which will provide:
- Information (spatial and non-spatial)
- Guidance (legislative context, required admin. Procedures, etc.)
- Suggestions of further steps and contact to experts
Involved Stakeholders:
- CENIA –Czech Environmental Information Agency
- AOPK – Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of the CZ
- CSU – Czech Statistical Office
- CHMU – Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
- CUZK – Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
- MZ – Ministry of Health of the CZ
- MV – Ministry of Interior of the CZ
- SAZP – Slovak Environmental Agency
- SVP – Slovak Water Enterprise
- SHMU – Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute
- VUVH – Water Research Institute
- SOPSR – State nation conservancy of Slovak Republic
- Regional and local public authorities in CR and SK
- General public in CR and SR
Pilot: France.
Responsible partners:
ATEN – Atelier Technique des Espaces Naturels
- Provide easy to use, open source and generic services for harmonisation, validation and for making available the stakeholders datasets
- Improve the availability of datasets into the INSPIRE portal (National and European)
Involved Stakeholders:
- Parcs Nationaux de France, Museum d’Histoire Naturelle
- AOPK – Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of the CZ
- Fédération des Conservatoires Botaniques Nationaux
- CUZK – Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre
- Conservatoire des Espaces Naturels (a lot of French protected areas) as data providers but also as end-users
Pilot: Greece.
Responsible partners:
EPSILON – Epsilon International SA
- Support Decision Making (FF Life Cycle):
- Civil Protection Operators
- Public Administrations
- Forest Fires experts, etc.
- The Pilot:
- experience from BRISEIDE
- use of existing data/OGC web services (WMS, WCS, WPS) to: Catalogue, Query and Process time extension datasets related to forest fire management
Involved Stakeholders:
- Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change,
- Mapping and Cadastral Organization of Greece,
- NAGREF – National Agricultural Research Foundation,
- Regional Government of Macedonia, Greece
- Private Sector
Pilot: Hungary-Slovakia, cross-border pilot
Responsible partners:
- The WPA MCM application provides the users access to the protected area network of Hungary and Slovakia combined with hydrographic data by using android smartphone sensors (accelerometer/gyro/GPS).
Involved Stakeholders:
- Ministry for Rural Development, Hungary
- Slovak Environmental Agency
Pilot: Iceland
Responsible partners:
NLSI – National Land Survey of Iceland
The Potential pilot application we intend to develop is a Geoportal providing INSPIRE datasets as well as other Spatial data related to the Icelandic Spatial Data Infrastructure. Through the geoportal you will be able search for the data as metadata according to the INSPIRE standards are created. As well, there will be view service where you can view the data as well as getting a contact to a WMS service providing the data and getting it easier for users to get access to the data.
To get to know the demands of INSPIRE data related to protected sites, Coordinate Reference systems and Administrative units.
To get support on understanding the INSPIRE demands – from nation‘s already worked on the task, as Iceland has a 3 year delay on deliver INSPIRE compliant data.
INSPIRE datasets, accessible through the National Geoportal with a open access to data.
Involved Stakeholders:
The Environment Agency of Iceland
Pilot: Italy-Slovenia cross-border pilot.
Responsible partners:
- Realization of a harmonized geological layer across the Italian-Slovenian border based on the INSPIRE Geology model (scale range from 1:1M to 1:100k)
- Standard access to geological data, regardless of how each provider manages these data, improving the accessibility to information to most users
- Realization of a common semantic language to exchange geological data
Involved Stakeholders:
- Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces – Local Environmental Agencies (ARPA/APPA) and/or local Civil Protection Department
- Italian and Slovenian municipalities in the border region
- Italian Ministry of the Environment (MATTM)
- Slovenian Ministry for infrastructure and spatial planning
- Slovenian Ministry for Economics
- Slovenian Ministry for environment and space
- Slovenian Environmental Agency
- European Environmental Agency (EEA)
- European Environmental Commission (EEC)
Pilot: Portugal.
Responsible partners:
DGT – Direção Geral do Território
Develop a prototype integrating web services implementation related with building environmental quality Indicators namely indicators that help understanding the relation between water and air quality evolution and growing urban and recreation land use near a water catchment.
Build environmental quality indicators to monitor water and air quality impact during a time period.
The indicators are extracted through a set of GIS web services built to help the user understand water and air quality evolution and its relation with human activities and urban growth.
The aim of the pilot is evaluate fitness for purpose of different available official datasets to deal with urban landscape evolution and how these different datasets evaluate the impact in water quality. The data sets cover similar time periods and include soil use legal classification, cartographic based housing evolution datasets and thematic land use maps reporting urban land use.
Involved Stakeholders:
- DGT – Direcção-Geral do Território (CAOP, CRUS, Ortos)
- INE – Instituto Nacional de Estatística (Statistical information)
- APA (Environment Agency)
- Municipalities involved (PDM)
- DGT – Direcção-Geral do Território
- Municipalities (Loures, Abrantes, Tomar) and citizens
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